What Is CBD (Cannabidiol)? CBD Oil Uses, Side Effects, Benefits

CBD has been making serious strides in the recent months as further health benefits surface about the cannabis compound. A 2012 study showed that animals treated with CBD were significantly less likely to develop colon cancer after being induced with carcinogens in a laboratory.187 Several studies had already shown that THC prevents tumors and reduces them, including one in 1996 on animal models that found that it decreased the incidence of both benign and hepatic adenoma tumors.188 In 2015, scientists analyzed the medical records of over eighty-four thousand male patients in California and found that those who used cannabis, but not tobacco, had a rate of bladder cancer that was 45 percent below the norm.189 Topical products can be used to treat and prevent skin cancers.

Since THC has psychoactive effects, it's important that the product contains no more than 0.03% THC, if any at all. The reason that CBD is such an effective form of support for human health is due to the body's endogenous cannabinoid system. The use of CBD oil might complement a medical approach to treating physical and mental diseases.

CBD oil comes from the leaves, stalks, and flowers while THC comes from resin-rich buds - both from female plants. There is evidence that CBD oil could reduce cancer-related symptoms and side effects of treatment, such as pain and vomiting. You may now be wondering if the hemp oil you see at the store is the same as CBD oil.

According to its website, GW works with cannabinoid scientists worldwide to explore the potential of a range of novel cannabinoid molecules in a number of distinct therapeutic areas including epilepsy, glaucoma, and schizophrenia.” GW's research has spurned more interest in the subject of medical marijuana and CBD, especially in the United States.

It would also remove hemp from the list of Schedule I drugs, as long as it has a THC level lower CBD Oil Health Depot than 0.3 percent. Pregnancy: Research on the use of CBD oil during pregnancy is unfortunately lacking, but most experts do not recommend it. Other anecdotal reports support its use, particularly for aching muscles and anxiety or depression.

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